🌱 Get Out Of The Weeds | Pulse Of The Nation

Volume 15

Do you ever have the feeling that your day is flying by? You are doing things, and working, and knocking stuff out, but it doesn’t really feel productive.

Each day, activity, distraction, hour, and minute seems like you are fighting fires. There is a constant need to jump and push your attention to something else. As soon as that is completed, you have another emergency that keeps you in the weeds.

Well, you aren’t alone in this feeling. I feel like it all the time. The day-to-day tasks prevent me from stepping back, seeing the big picture, and strategizing. Getting out of the weeds, putting a pause on fighting fires, and becoming less tactical and more strategic sounds simple enough, but it is hard to put into practice.

This past week, Elevation Nation partnered with Human at Scale for our first Elevation Nation exclusive workshop. It was awesome to get so many elevators together to learn, grow and connect. Be on the lookout for our second workshop next month!

If you missed the session and want to check out what we learned, peep the 🎥 recording!


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Elevator Spotlight

Shining a light on accomplishments throughout Elevation Nation

We are shining the spotlight on ourselves this month. (It’s our newsletter we can do what we want). We had the opportunity to speak at an incredible non-profit that helps former high school dropouts come back to school to get their degree and job training for the real world.

Youth Build Philly welcomed us with open arms as we spoke to the students about “Starting Your Next Journey”. For many, this was the first time they explored their mindset and mental fortitude.

The stories we heard and the impact they had was inspirational. Tears were shed, hugs were given, overall it was an incredible event.

It was a great reminder of why we started Elevation Nation and why we work so hard to give back to the young adults in our community.

Thanks for inspiring us Youth Build, until next year!

Welcome to Elevation Nation

The latest additions to the Elevation Nation community

Elevator no. 138 - Justin Weidenfeld

Adversity comes in many different forms. After a personal event impacted Justin, he has made it his mission to help others learn from their adverse challenges in life, relationships, and finances. Check out Justin’s true passion, Experience Camps, and volunteer or donate to an incredible cause.

Justin’s Mental Motto - "Adversity builds character".

Elevator no. 139 - Emily Billings

Life in the real world can be overwhelming. Emily helps her following find the joys in everyday life. From workout recommendations to fashion, media, and lifestyle, Emily sheds light on the true life of a recent college graduate.

Emily’s Mental Motto - "Everything happens for a reason".

Elevator no. 140 - Juan Faura

As a student at Penn State, Juan is elevating some of the most successful clubs on campus. He recently started his own influencer and marketing representation company, Go Time LLC as he strives to network his way to success!

Juan’s Mental Motto - "Be transformational, not transactional".

Elevator no. 1 - Joey Lane

Joey got his start as a walk-on turned captain of The Ohio State Basketball team. From there, he turned his journey into a career, starting the "Drive the Lane" podcast as well as working as a TV personality. This time on the pod, Joey takes over and asks us the hard-hitting questions about life as a young adult.

Joey’s Mental Motto - "Control what you can control".

Nation News

Highlights and wins from around the Nation
  • 🗡️ Dagger Day - Elevator no. 95, Jackson Dreyer dropped his latest single “Dagger” streaming to listeners around the world. Check it out!

  • đź’Ż One Million - Elevator no. 63, Braud Kraut, the Academic Weapon’s Youtube channel just hit over 1,000,000 views!

  • 🔌 Soulpower - Elevator no. 66, Justin Lafazan, just announced his new venture, Soulpower, a Life Insurance Carrier on a mission to help every family become a thriving wealthy family.

Fourtitude Four

4 quick ways to elevate your Mental Fortitude
  1. 📚 Quick Read - Check out these tips for handling burnout from Wash U’s Psychiatry department.

  2. 🎤 Quote - “Burnout is nature’s way of telling you you’ve been going through the motions your soul has departed” - Sam Keen

  3. 🎬 Clip - What happens to cause burnout? Presented by Headspace

  4. 🙋 Question - What activities can you do daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly that will help you combat your burnout?

Until next week Elevation Nation...Peace

Sam & Parker

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