🧩 Figuring "It" Out | Pulse Of The Nation

Volume 14

I sometimes forget how old I am. Scary, I know, but honestly I just forget. Am I 26 turning 27? Was that last year? Birthdays just don’t have the same splendor and excitement that they used to. Maybe it’s just me.

I still feel like I’m 22. Some days I even feel 16. I guess I just thought once I reached my late 20’s I would feel like I had everything under control. The dream career path, a booming side hustle, more money and time then I know what to do with. (In case it isn’t obvious, I don’t feel like I have everything under control).

As I look ahead to my 28th birthday (I think it’s 28…) there is really only one thing I know for certain. That I still don’t have “it” figured out. I don’t think anyone really ever has it figured out. I feel silly that I’ve spent so much time trying to figure “it” out. When in fact, I should have accepted the fact that I never will.

That isn’t a bad thing either. I’m excited to get older, to experience new things in life. Have bigger and better accomplishments. Life is amazing and I certainly am grateful. But it’s not like at 27 everything all started to make sense and “click”. Maybe that will happen at 28. 😉

- Sam

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Elevator Spotlight

Shining a light on accomplishments throughout Elevation Nation

Elevator no. 4, Nikki Novoselsky is beta testing her brand new, free mini course, Propel to Productivity.

In this transformative journey, you'll identify and clear the mental barriers holding you back, align your actions with your values, create your personalized success blueprint, and master the art of implementing your plans effectively.

All of these sessions are live, allowing you to interact, ask questions, and share experiences with like-minded individuals. This is your chance to propel yourself to productivity and remove those mental blocks to start living the life of your dreams. Apply now to be a beta tester, it’s free for folks in Elevation Nation!

Welcome to Elevation Nation

The latest additions to the Elevation Nation community

Elevator no. 135 - Carly Haupert

Carly helps her clients as a supportive mentor and wellness authority with her company The Carly Cure. Specializing in nutrition, and lifestyle changes, Carly's passion for holistic health helps clients elevate all aspects of their life. With experience in the fitness entrepreneurship industry, she is excited to bring her knowledge to her own clients!

Carly’s Mental Motto - "There is no dream without delay"

Elevators no. 80 & no. 117 - Ilana Dunn and Carly Silverman

Ilana and Carly have combined forces with the recent launch of their new podcast “Life in Progress”. The ladies hit on the crucial topics young adults face in the real world. Additionally, they launched their first business venture, Get Setup, a curated and customized matchmaking service.

Ilana’s Mental Motto - "If you don’t ask, you don’t get"
Carly’s Mental Motto - "Rejection is redirection"

Elevator no. 136 - Tyler Swartz

Tyler is addicted to spreading positivity and happiness... and Endorphins. His running community is spreading across the US bringing together people from all walks of life to experience the beauty and endorphins from running together. With Endorphins groups in tons of cities across the US, it’s easier than ever to find your running crew!

Tyler’s Mental Motto - "It’s not about what you say, it’s about how you make people feel".

Elevator no. 137 - Sarah Mucha

After climbing her way to the top of the DC political reporting game, Sarah had reached her dreams. Appearing on TV, making history, shaking up the political world, it all was going to plan. Until she realized, this wasn't what she wanted anymore and made a change, using her experience to help others find their path in life, including her newsletter, “Foolproof” and her very own brand consulting firm.

Sarah’s Mental Motto - "In this moment, you are enough".

Nation News

Highlights and wins from around the Nation
  • 🐦‍⬛ Ravens Nation - Elevators no. 34 and 44, Alex Sheinman and Jack Settleman recently announced their latest Snapback Sports content partnership with Baltimore Raven Marlon Humphrey

  • 🗂️ 30 under 30 - Elevator no. 76, Sarah Figueroa was named to Forbes LA 30 under 30 for her work with GeoJam which is expecting to bring in $4 million in revenue this year!

  • 🏈 Footaballin’ FTL- Elevators no. 84 and 85, Xander Chase and Ryan Lane recently brought their innovative FTL bags to the football field. New York Giants Graham Gano was spotted reppin’ the bag on his latest team travels.

Fourtitude Four

4 quick ways to elevate your Mental Fortitude
  1. 📚 Quick Read - This article by Girlboss highlights why it is ok to not have it all figured out in your 20’s.

  2. 🎤 Quote - “The 20s are not the years to beat yourself up over failures, learn from them, move on”. - Sameer Ramesh

  3. 🎬 Clip - Tim Dessaint’s habits he regrets not starting sooner in his 20’s

  4. 🙋 Question - When you were a kid and pictured life as a young adult, what did you envision? How many of those dreams have come true already? How many are you still working toward?

Until next week Elevation Nation...Peace

Sam & Parker

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